clear ice

Debunked: 7 Myths About Ice Machines

In this week's blog post, we're putting to rest some of the misconceptions about owning or renting an ice machine.


If you’re a small business owner (or just a fan of a high-quality beverage), you may be torn between purchasing bagged ice or an ice machine. On one hand, bagged ice is fast, requires no commitment, and isn’t a big expense. Besides, investing in an ice machine is too risky and expensive for your needs… right? Not exactly.

At Memphis Ice, we do our best to make buying or renting an ice machine easy, manageable, and at a fair cost. There are many myths about ice machines compared to bagged ice floating around the internet, so we’re going to debunk them here. 

How are we going to do that? By explaining the Memphis Ice way of doing things. Let’s get started!

Myth-Busting 7 Common Ice Misconceptions

1. Ice machines require too much capital

Perhaps the greatest myth about ice machines is that they require business owners to shell out too much capital. At Memphis Ice, we know this is a major pain point for businesses and that it’s crucial to invest in the right things, the right way.

Our ice machine rental program makes it easy to preserve capital to be used elsewhere in the kitchen where price tags add up fast. We do that by offering a low, flat-rate with no surprise fees.

2. Ice machines are a headache: stressful, time-consuming, and a waste of time

Okay, part of this is true: ice machines can definitely be a headache. However, they never have to be a headache for our customers. We eliminate the need to stress about your ice maker by effectively becoming an extension of your team when you choose to partner with us. 

As a member of our ice machine rental program, we’re there to upkeep the maintenance of your machine and prevent you from ever feeling like your product is a “waste of time.”

3. Finding the right ice machine is too difficult

After over forty years in the industry, we’ve seen the careful consideration business owners inevitably experience when choosing the right machine. That’s why we’ve done our best to ease the process. From rounding up our most commonly asked questions to detailing the best choice depending on your industry and needs in our sizing guide, our mission is to provide a smooth experience.

If you’d rather hear it from the horse’s mouth, our expert technicians are only a phone call away and more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

4. Having an ice machine means making a long-term commitment

In case you missed it in any of the previous myths: we have an ice machine rental program. Not only is to help ensure your machine maintains its quality, but it’s also for those who aren’t quite yet ready to commit. 

We get it — especially in the era of COVID-19 — that making long term plans for your business can be daunting. That’s why if you’re not ready to take the plunge on buying a machine (and want the peace of mind that if ice hits the fan, it’s not your problem to deal with), the rental program is for you.

5. Ice machines equal unpredictable costs

One of our core values at Memphis Ice is doing the right thing. Always. One way we do that is by being transparent with our valued customer. If you have a sudden repair not covered by your warranty, our field technicians will communicate up-front what the related charges will be.

To have preventative maintenance and repairs already covered, as well as additional service costs, this is yet again another indicator that you’re a perfect candidate for the ice machine rental program.

6. If your ice machine breaks down, you’re doomed.

If you’re a rental partner of Memphis Ice, there’s never a need to have a meltdown. If your machine breaks down without ice, we’re your backup ice. It stays that way until your machine is fixed. Our priority is for you to focus on what you do best — your business — and to let us take care of any sudden problems.

7. Ice is just ice

We know that all ice is just frozen water — but not all ice is created equally. For starters, we only sell the highest quality machines with the best quality ice. We make this possible with our yearly cleanings for each of our rental partners. 

Secondly, if you service a high-class clientele (or appreciate the finer things in life), the ice you serve does matters. While we don’t deliver hand-cut artisanal ice, the expectations for craft cocktails is only increasing. Cloudy ice can even repulse some guests, making them doubt the cleanliness of your drinks — and everything else behind the counter. Before jumping the gun, consider the impact your ice machine could have on your menu, your business, and your customers.


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