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Ice-O-Matic Product Update: Meet Your New Favorite Ice Machine

This petite, gourmet ice making-machine is everything a business owner needs in a commercial ice machine. The UCG Undercounter Ice Maker.


“Ice. Pure and Simple.” 

Since the 1960s, that’s been Ice-O-Matic’s slogan, and to be honest, we couldn’t have said it better. Quality and consistency have always been at the foundation of Ice-O-Matic’s products, which is why we’ve been a proud partner and preferred servicing agent since the ‘80s.

Today, we’re excited to talk about the newest addition to the Ice-O-Matic line of products: the UCG Undercounter Ice Maker.

UCG Undercounter Ice Maker

This petite, gourmet ice making-machine is everything a business owner needs in a commercial ice machine. Perfect for restaurants, bars, and any mixologist with a couple of killer recipes up their sleeve, the UCG series takes cocktails, treats, and everyday drinks to a whole new level.

They come in four different models:

Ice-O-Matic UGC undercounter ice machine

  • UCG60
    • Produces 60 pounds of gourmet ice in a 24-hour period
    • Holds 18 pounds of ice in the bin
    • 15 inches wide
  • UCG80: 
    • Produces 80 pounds of gourmet ice in a 24-hour period
    • Holds 33 pounds of ice in the bin
    • 18 inches wide
  • UCG100: 
    • Produces 80 pounds of gourmet ice in a 24-hour period
    • Holds 49 pounds of ice in the bin
    • 18 inches wide
  • UCG130: 
    • Produces 130 pounds of gourmet ice in a 24-hour period
    • Holds 49 pounds of ice in the bin
    • 18 inches wide

Pure, quality Ice

Aesthetics alone, the cubes produced from this machine are outstanding. Crystal clear and perfectly crafted cubes with every scoop. With no impurities and a slow melt rate, it’s the perfect gourmet ice.

Compact Size

We know how it is: Friday night, the drink orders won’t stop, and you and the barback can’t stop stepping on the other’s feet. Room to breathe is vital. A clunky ice machine isn’t the solution — but this little, powerful machine is.

Ranging from 25.25” to 31” inches tall with a customizable short leg option, the under-counter ice machine does what it needs to do and stays out of your way to let you do the same.

Sustainable Choice

The wrong refrigerant produces greenhouse gases and harms the ozone layer. Safe to say, we’re not a fan of such products. Ice-O-Matic’s latest ice maker uses R290 refrigerant. It’s natural, non-toxic, and free of ozone-depleting properties.

Bonus: This environment-friendly product can reduce your overall energy costs by up to 28%. What else do you need to know?

Easy to Clean

This mighty machine doesn’t just produce pretty ice and help the planet—it’s also incredibly easy to clean. With a removable air filter built for simplicity and ease of use, your business can save valuable time maintaining and cleaning this machine thanks to its functionality. 

Part of what makes this machine easy to clean is its ventilation system. With its front-faced breathing system, you truly can keep this ice maker snug beneath your counters without the risk of it overheating and negatively affecting your production.

Ready to get ahead of the competition?

These ice machines are hot on the market and can barely stay in our warehouse to get them delivered. Learn more or get your name on the list, as these are low on stock due to high demand. Reach out here.

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